July 27, 2024


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Paul Hamm: Did He Deserve Gymnastics Gold in 2004?

Paul Hamm: Did He Deserve Gymnastics Gold in 2004?

Whats the controversy all about?In the 2004 Olympics, an all-star gang of athletes fromaround the universe gathered together to compete for titles ingymnastics. In the kernel of competition, there are alwaystensions between analysts and spokespersons about whetheror not athletes deserve the medals they receiveSometimes, judges are found to be at error for thecontroversy, and supplementary times the fiasco is trumped up byuneducated speculation In this case, the Paul Hamm stirwas due to an ancillary error: the judges mistakenly sethis rivals starting cut at 9.9 somewhat than 10.0 Manybelieve that it is this oversight that payment Yang Tae Young, theSouth Korean opposition of Paul Hamm, the all-around gold medalin gymnastics.

Paul Hamm: Did He Deserve Gymnastics Gold in 2004?

Paul Hamm: Did He Deserve Gymnastics Gold in 2004?

Gymnastics judging is not a science

This is proven again and again There is no mathematicalway of measuring gymnastics routines — in fact, gymnasticsis perhaps one of the most subjective sports of all. Nogoals are involved, as in soccer – no hoops like inbasketball; no bullseyes are involved, as in archery; onedoes not go for distance or height, as in perch vaulting orshot put In gymnastics, an athlete is judged on form,scored on perfection It is exceedingly fatiguing to do soaccurately, as there are no vectors that can be calculatedto see if someone grasps squeeze of the scope barsincorrectly or lands with a wobble.

If you hold ever been to a gymnastics competition, youprobably conjecture that panels look at execution for theirscoring: article that is full of twists and turns and ispoorly executed leave notch lower than entity that issimpler but perfectly executed The criteria for measuringthis feature of gymnastics include stability and landings –whether or not he or she wavered in the elements terminus,or held position for less than three seconds at the latter ofthe routine, or took an extra step or stumbled This doesindeed surpass to criticism of the judges abilities to dotheir job, ring size chart, and leads further to mistakes in scoring.

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Why does Paul Hamm deserve gold?

Paul Hamm, like any supplementary athlete, is and was not a allowance ofthe politics of the disabled He was there to compete, andindeed, he was there to win This is the goal of thousandsof Olympic hopefuls around the macrocosm — to go to the gamesand to express their capacity at the entertainment they passion finest Inall actuality, no athlete should own to agreement with thethings Paul Hamm was forced through It is entirelyunderstandable that he should repel to donate up his medal– the gold is certainly not tainted; it was his and hisalone. The mistakes of the judges are not his to manage Heis an incredible gymnast, indeed

Why does Yang Tae Young, his rival, not deserve gold?

Perhaps additional convincing is the motive as to why Yang TaeYoung, Paul Hamms Korean rival, does not deserve the goldmedal so many retain attributed to him Firstly, the Koreangymnastics teams representative was overdue in calling in acomplaint, which made the examination itself – and allthe urgency associated with it – entirely obsolete (Olympicrules state, that a demurral needs to be madebefore the closing of any entire game, such as with the parallelbars, and the Koreans did not do so). Even then, thejudges were suspended, and the probing took placeSecondly, and perhaps supplementary importantly, even if the judgesgave Tae Young the extra 10 points warranted by thedifficulty of his routine, he torpid would own scored lowerthan he did because of yet another ancillary oversight Afterthe tapes were reviewed, it was revealed that Tae Youngaccidentally made four holds on the bars quite than theallotted three, which would keep resulted in a repayment of2, inert leaving him with a deficit of a tenth of a point

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The snafu regarding Paul Hamms gold medal – versus, ofcourse, giving the medal up to the South Korean crew – isregretable. There should own been no questionthat Hamm deserved his medal, and he naturally should nothave had to agreement with the problems around the globe Nor,indeed, did he deserve all of the ill work surrounding hisname The gold medal was well-earned. It unquestionably bearsno tarnishing, and neither does his record

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