July 27, 2024


I am full of energy.

About Certified Diamonds

About Certified Diamonds

A diamond document documents the finished superiority and description of the diamond, it includes information on shape, carat weight, clarity, fluorescence, flush grade, measurements, proportions and finish grade. A diamond label moreover confirms that the diamond is common and is not synthetic or man-made

About Certified Diamonds

About Certified Diamonds

The value of a diamond is adamant by its excellence and friend characteristics Naturally you bequeath lack the elite excellence diamond you can afford When shopping for loose diamonds it is markedly famous that they are certified

A diamond documentation or assessing data lists all the specifications of a loose diamond A diamond ticket can moreover be called a diamond rating facts or diamond dossier The diamond document documents the diamond’s exact measurements and weight, as well as the details of its cut and superiority It precisely points out all the friend characteristics of the stone, inclusions and any flaws

When shopping for loose diamonds it is acutely noted that you buy a authenticated diamond. You should always try to compare one accredited diamond of a certain load and excellence with supplementary authenticated diamonds of selfsame responsibility and quality to support determine which diamond is the change value and quality

A validated diamond provides consumers with confidence, preventive and increases comfort levels while creation a ridicule on which loose diamond to purchase Before purchasing a loose diamond, you should expect to review a copy of its diamond certificate, as this is your only guarantee of the level and value of that diamond. Certified diamonds aegis provide consumer confidence

A diamond chit documents the characteristics of the diamonds quality; the colour, cut, clarity & carat duty of the diamond are verified by an independent party with no conflict of benefit between buyer and seller

Highly regarded Diamond Grading Laboratories level and certify diamonds to an internationally declared standard, and they are admitted by the state and international diamond and jewellery associations. Independent certification is necessary It provides an accurate, fair description of the merit of the diamond and assures you that the diamond is usual and untreated

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The true examination to evaluate a diamond is to countryside it in companion and compare it with supplementary diamonds. Nothing beats seeing a diamond in man to determine whether it is a ‘good’ diamond to your eye or not Diamond appreciation is a extraordinary personal device and different family commit raise different things about different diamonds When forming your latter scorn and deciding on which diamond to buy all the numbers, data and figures are meaningless if you do not like the look of the diamond.

Alot of jewellers and diamond dealers often use expressions like Hearts and Arrows, Ideal Cut, Excellent, Russian Cut, Belgium Cut and Fine Make when selling their diamonds, with the intention of portraying them as ‘better’ than others Be cautious of accepting these terms as is They are especially dangerous when assigned to diamonds by the jeweller or diamond dealer themselves without independent third-party documentation.


Since 1975, any laboratory that wants to be proclaimed as a actual gemological laboratory must arise the certification rules as laid out by CIBJO CIBJO was formed in 1961 by several civic jewelry trade organizations, in direction to tunnel an international jewelry band that would synopsis uniform rules for the rating of loose diamonds

CIBJO, which is the acronym for the French phrase, Confdration International de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orfvrerie des Diamantes, Perles et Pierres, and which translates to International Confederation of Jewellery, Silverware, Diamonds and Stones, is the international jewellery league of governmental trade organizations

CIBJO currently has 21 countries involved in its associations Their rules are the extreme rules of grading today, such as: using a 10x loupe for grading; that each diamond to be endorsed must be graded by at least three (3) professional graders; that all laboratories must be independent and logical and cannot be involved in the buying or selling of diamonds

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There are many different diamond assessing laboratories available to the diamond-buying public. Some of the other well proclaimed assessing laboratories are: GIA (Gemological Institute of America), DCLA (Diamond Certification Laboratory of Australia), AGS (American Gemological Society), HRD (Hoge Raad Voor Diamant; Diamond High Council), EGL (European Gemological Institute) and the IGI (International Gemological Institute)

All diamond evaluating laboratories posses their hold methods and criteria for ranking loose diamonds, however they all operate within a high congeal of parameters, when classifying a diamond’s specifications, details and dimensions. Be aware that as each rating laboratory has its hold methods, each ranking laboratory besides has its have expense guides for preparing a docket and these rating laboratories differ in their standards and sort of strictness.

GIA’s is probably the most well know rating laboratory in the world DCLA & AGS are on par with GIA for adjudjing standards In fact, it is the AGS grading for Cut that served as an instigation for the GIA to recently include Cut assessing to their grading reports. HRD out of Antwerp, Belgium is moreover a greatly respected expression in the diamond industry A document from any of these adjudjing laboratories – GIA, DCLA, AGS, HRD – can be considered accurate, reliable and trusted In Australia we highly recommend DCLA – Diamond Certification of Australia – as they are the only internationally proclaimed laboratory in Australia and is one of only five laboratories worldwide confessed as an International Diamond Council (IDC) laboratory

Before you buy a diamond you should always, as a finest priority, insist on an independent diamond assessing documentation from an authenticated laboratory to assistance any added claims about a diamond and why Diamond Imports strongly recommend diamonds that have been Certified by DCLA, GIA, HRD or AGS

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Diamond Imports sells Certified Diamonds of the main standard which have been authenticated by independent diamond classifying laboratories that keep the strictest standards Diamond Imports are an endorsed ICD Jeweller – Independently Certified Diamonds All ICD – Independently Certified Diamonds jewellers are committed to providing customers with diamonds examined and graded by qualified and reputable laboratories, adjudjing to internationally proclaimed standards for accurate and equitable examination of their diamonds These laboratories are recognized for their procedures, mechanical capacity and cutting limits channel vital to analyze, merit and certify diamonds.

It is great to posses in temper the detail that not all diamond classifying laboratories are as well respected or as stringent in their rating as each fresh Diamond assessing laboratories should always be independent of any diamond retailers or wholesalers, to escape any conflict of interests or tendency Diamond Certificates are only of value when they are issued by an independent certified diamond assessing laboratory Always make certain to discern the source of the chit or diamond adjudjing report. If you obtain not heard of the laboratory, it could very well be associated in some means with the store, jeweller or diamond wholesaler itself, and so keep a vested benefit in aiding the sale